"There is no speaking without silence, no silence without speaking." Speaking and silence are not to be understood as opposites, but as mutually dependent components of conversation that complement each other. Since silence is obviously inseparable from words, it must also play a significant role in texts. But how is silence expressed or made visible in literary texts? How can silence and/or stillness be represented by means of typography? How do designers and writers deal with the paradox of silence? What alternative concepts for the typographical visualisation of silence could there be?
The Open Call has ended and 32 designers and writers have submitted entries. The submissions can be seen below ↓
→ Open Call
Visualise silence and/or stillness with typography and/or words on a DIN A5 page. When you are ready, send the file via the contact form below. All submissions received by 14.11.2022 will appear here on the website as well as printed matter.
1. download the InDesign or Word file here →
2. the A5 page may ONLY be designed with type and words.
3. ONLY Times New Roman may be used as the font.
4. ONLY greyscales are available as colours.
→ Information on the project
The project "stille Typografie" initiated by Paul Jürgens is part of his theoretical diploma examination, supervised by Rade Matic at the Hochschule Darmstadt.
→ Literatur
Böll, Heinrich: Doktor Murkes gesammeltes Schweigen und andere Satiren. „Die Kleine Kiepe“., Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 04.11.1964.
Böll, Heinrich/Sharon Dodua Otoo: Gesammeltes Schweigen, Katharina Mevissen, Simon Wahlers, Edition Zweifel, 2022.
Cage, John: Silence, Suhrkamp, 30.04.1995.
Daniels, Dieter/Inke Arns: Sounds Like Silence: Silence Today, 1., Spector Books, 20.09.2012.
Knott, Marie Luise/Walter Zimmermann/John Cage: Empty Mind: Eine Auswahl poetischer Schlüsseltexte (Bibliothek Suhrkamp), 3. Aufl., Suhrkamp Verlag, 13.08.2012.
Nibbrig, Hart Christiaan Lucas: Rhetorik des Schweigens: Versuch über den Schatten literarischer Rede (suhrkamp taschenbuch), 1. Aufl., Suhrkamp Verlag, 04.07.1981.
Siegert, Bernhard: ... ... Auslassungspunkte: Vortrag an der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, Inst. für Buchkunst, 2003.
"There is no speaking without silence, no silence without speaking." Speaking and silence are not to be understood as opposites, but as mutually dependent components of conversation that complement each other. Since silence is obviously inseparable from words, it must also play a significant role in texts. But how is silence expressed or made visible in literary texts? How can silence and/or stillness be represented by means of typography? How do designers and writers deal with the paradox of silence? What alternative concepts for the typographical visualisation of silence could there be?
The Open Call has ended and 32 designers and writers have submitted entries. The submissions can be seen below ↓
→ Open Call
Visualise silence and/or stillness with typography and/or words on a DIN A5 page. When you are ready, send the file via the contact form below. All submissions received by 14.11.2022 will appear here on the website as well as printed matter.
1. download the InDesign or Word file here →
2. the A5 page may ONLY be designed with type and words.
3. ONLY Times New Roman may be used as the font.
4. ONLY greyscales are available as colours.
→ Information on the project
The project "stille Typografie" initiated by Paul Jürgens is part of his theoretical diploma examination, supervised by Rade Matic at the Hochschule Darmstadt.
→ Literatur
Böll, Heinrich: Doktor Murkes gesammeltes Schweigen und andere Satiren. „Die Kleine Kiepe“., Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 04.11.1964.
Böll, Heinrich/Sharon Dodua Otoo: Gesammeltes Schweigen, Katharina Mevissen, Simon Wahlers, Edition Zweifel, 2022.
Cage, John: Silence, Suhrkamp, 30.04.1995.
Daniels, Dieter/Inke Arns: Sounds Like Silence: Silence Today, 1., Spector Books, 20.09.2012.
Knott, Marie Luise/Walter Zimmermann/John Cage: Empty Mind: Eine Auswahl poetischer Schlüsseltexte (Bibliothek Suhrkamp), 3. Aufl., Suhrkamp Verlag, 13.08.2012.
Nibbrig, Hart Christiaan Lucas: Rhetorik des Schweigens: Versuch über den Schatten literarischer Rede (suhrkamp taschenbuch), 1. Aufl., Suhrkamp Verlag, 04.07.1981.
Siegert, Bernhard: ... ... Auslassungspunkte: Vortrag an der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, Inst. für Buchkunst, 2003.